Energy Counseling & Subconscious Communication

"Seeing Is Believing", Justin Totemical

What if we told you that every emotion you ever experienced, every sensation felt, every memory made … was all stored in your subconscious mind, and is accessible to you any time you want? That these stored emotions carried their own unique energy that manifested in your body as illness, pain or blockages to success?

What if we told you that you inherit emotions from your ancestors, like energetic DNA; that they almost literally hand you their emotional baggage to carry around?

And what if we told you that we all have the capacity to access the subconscious mind with some highly simple techniques that literally anybody can learn, with some focus and dedication to the practice?

It sounds crazy, doesn’t it? It did to us too. Until we saw it work, and tried it ourselves.

The practitioners at Intuitive Being are generally science-driven rational skeptics. Without demonstrable evidence, we tend to believe the unbelievable only when we see it for ourselves. We also know that on a quantum mechanical level, there is far more that we humans do not understand than that which we do. The inter-connection of all beings in the universe is massively complex, and we don’t pretend to understand the mechanics of how it all works. Dr. Bradley Nelson, who developed The Emotion Code protocol, wisely tells his patients: I just work here!

Let’s perhaps start with what Subconscious Communication and Intuitive Being is not.

You can expand each section to see a little more explanation.

+It's not 'magic'

+We're not psychic

+We're not doctors

+We're not psychotherapists

Well, that leaves the obvious question: What is Subsconscious Communication?

+Amazingly accurate
+Conducted only in your Greatest Good


Want to Learn More About Subconscious Communication?

Schedule a session with one of our counselors, or give us a call at (360) 499-6387, to find out how we can help you resolve your personal or professional challenges using our subconscious communication techniques:

Book An Introductory Session


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